Workera Solutions for the Public Sector

Workera’s Skill Technology Platform helps arm leaders with verified skills data, enabling them to effectively manage their workforce and realize significant improvements in learning, retention, and project execution.

Align business objectives to the skills required for success

  • Skill Ontology.
    Workera’s Skill Ontology is broken down into over 100 Skill Domains, helping individuals naturally learn and develop their expertise within specific areas. These domains are divided into sub-domains, topics, sub-topics, and skills, representing the critical competencies (i.e., competency model) needed to master each area. Each domain comes with its own assessments and learning content.
  • Signature Domains.
    Developed by Ph.D. psychometricians and industry experts selected by Workera, following best measurement practices. Organizations use Signature Domains to verify the skills needed by the business. Signature Domains provide the highest quality skills data, with additional insights such as industry benchmarks.
  • Custom Domains.
    These domains are developed by Ph.D. psychometricians from Workera and subject-matter experts from the client’s organization. The same standards as our Signature Domains are applied. Organizations use Custom Domains to ensure their employees are measured and upskilled on skills aligned with their projects or business objectives. These domains are available upon customer request.
  • Pathways.
    Workera’s skill pathways enable business leaders to quickly align business objectives to verifiable knowledge, skills, and abilities of their workforce. Pathways enable leaders to determine which proficiencies they need to attain using our ready-made Signature Domains. Pathways can be built from scratch or from industry templates reflecting the most relevant roles in the market.

Use verified data to understand the skillsets of teams and compare their skills against industry benchmarks

  • Workera assessments.
    Developed to connect the work to be done directly to business objectives. Unlike content provider assessments, which are mostly quizzes designed to measure comprehension of content, Workera assessments are relevant to the job, engaging for employees, and create verified skill data. Assessments are built by AI and psychometrics experts and are frequently updated to ensure relevance. Most employees will receive their initial baseline of skill capabilities within 90 minutes of assessing.  Assessments have multiple ways of verifying skills, including initial self-rating, open-ended questions, coding exercises (for technical domains), multiple choice questions, and real-world case studies. Verified skill data helps assess a team's strengths and weaknesses and provides industry benchmarks.
  • Benchmarks.
    Benchmarks are standardized references against which skills and proficiencies can be compared or assessed. Clients use benchmarks to understand where they stand, how fast their skills are improving, and estimate their relative level of maturity. Benchmarks may be external or internal. External benchmarks may include comparisons to Big Tech companies, companies in specific industries, and geographies. Internal benchmarks may include comparisons by functions, departments, or geographical locations.

Empower workforce strategies with accurate insights that match the right people to the right jobs

  • Admin Dashboard.
    The admin dashboard provides actionable insights and scores for leaders with no customization needed. Insights include the ability to see ROI over time, skill distribution benchmarking, and overall engagement in skill initiatives. Admins can leverage skill data to improve decision-making for project staffing, workforce planning, role requirement definitions, and upskilling/reskilling.
  • My People Snapshot.
    Admins can now explore specific skill areas and gain actionable insights from the admin dashboard. Selecting a skill domain opens a detailed view of individual names, scores, and growth over time. Admins can quickly find experts, those needing to verify skills, and top improvers. They can quickly send automated nudges to boost engagement and celebrate growth.

Trusted skill data drives deeper personalization of existing upskilling programs that align with business needs and focus on closing gaps

  • Adaptive Plan.
    AI-generated learning plans uniquely address skill gaps measured through completed assessments. These plans use verified skill signals to provide an upskilling plan that includes quick lessons, third-party learning content, and hands-on learning exercises through our partners. A plan is generated one milestone at a time, with each milestone ending when the learner takes another assessment for that domain. They can then generate another milestone as required, based on the latest skill signals from any additional assessments completed.
  • Content Integrations.
    Workera integrates with learning content hosted on third-party platforms (e.g., Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, etc.) or built in-house by an organization. We index content (e.g., long-form courses, educational videos, guided projects, etc.) to be delivered in employees’ adaptive plans.
  • Skill Galaxy.
    Skill Galaxy gives learners a way to navigate their verified skills and review their progress. They can zoom out to see the big picture or zoom in to find and fix specific skill gaps within a common, easy-to-use interface. Skill Galaxy is powered by verified skills data from each learner.