VisualVault excels in Business Process Automation (BPA), Digital Process Automation (DPA) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM). Below are a few examples of how we apply this expertise to unique Public Sector requirements.
Case Management
Bring structure and visibility to Case Management services. This solution improves the handling of every case by improving the organization, status and details of every case.
Compliance & Enforcement
Compliance and Enforcement can be an onerous task for your staff to manage properly. With VisualVault ECM expertise, processes and tools are introduced that guarantee more efficiency and less legal risk.
Licensing & Permitting
The volume of submissions and the volume of data associated with Licensing and Permitting can’t rely on manual review and processes. Our platform excels in capture and automated processing of critical data and documents.
Seniors & Children Programs
Seniors and Children programs exist to improve the quality of life of vulnerable citizens. Our automation and simplification of processes helps reduce complexity and improve services.