Automated Software Testing Tools for the Public Sector

Today’s governmental organizations are undertaking digital transformation to boost speed and innovation while reducing costs. They are moving applications to the cloud, adopting more agile methods of software development, and embracing continuous delivery for both modern front-end interfaces and back-end enterprise applications.

Enter Tricentis. We offer a new and fundamentally different way to tackle software testing, dramatically accelerating DevOps, digital transformation, and cloud migration. Our approach is totally automated, fully codeless, and intelligently driven by AI. It addresses both agile development and complex enterprise apps, increasing software delivery speed, reducing costs, and improving quality. Now, testing takes just minutes or hours instead of days or weeks, while being far more cost effective and highly accurate.

We’re #1. There’s a reason for that.

With over 1,800 customers around the world, Tricentis is the undisputed leader in enterprise test automation. We’re the only vendor in the category to achieve leader status in all the top analyst reports, including Gartner (5 years in a row), Forrester, and IDC.

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