Concerned about maximizing your investment in ServiceNow? GuardRails WILL help.

As a ServiceNow Technology Partner DynaSoftware has developed a ServiceNow application that dramatically reduces development risk, automates code release, decreases the time of upgrades and dramatically accelerates the ability to innovate with ServiceNow. The public sector has invested heavily in ServiceNow as a transformative platform for Service Management, however most if not all organizations struggle to fully unlock its potential, GuardRails address the issues that stand in the way of maximizing ServiceNow potential.

GuardRails provides a unique approach to managing the configuration and customization development on your ServiceNow platform and applications. With a unique utility set, we create a wealth of information and knowledge about your specific ServiceNow platform and applications. This enables you to have a far better-informed position from which to make decisions about your development, maintenance planning and long-term platform sustainment.

Instead of focusing  on code quality, GuardRails is focused on providing  the visibility of the effects your development work could be creating. Our major goal is to equip our customer’s architects or platform leaders with a high degree of intelligence and information to make better decisions around high risk configurations or customizations. Guardrails is a complement to native ServiceNow or third-party utility sets that focus on code quality.

GuardRails enhances your ServiceNow platform governance and protection in a very simple yet effective manner. Three key elements that GuardRails enhances are:

  1. Prevention of high-risk configurations and customizations. Through the use of GuardRails you have visibility into the risks around your configurations and customizations. Clear visibility enables intelligent decision making and the removal of ‘surprises’ during upgrades.
  2. Proactive information regarding Known Errors and Product Roadmap items for the ServiceNow platform and products. With a clear understanding of how future ServiceNow updates will affect (or be affected by) your customizations and configurations, you can increase confidence in your decision making when accepting customizations and configurations.
  3. Remediation opportunities and paths are extremely important to maintain the long-term supportability and cost optimized sustainability of your platform. GuardRails enables the capability to track all of your customizations and configurations in an easy to use manner. Create workflows to ensure you have a clear path to remediation.

Key Features:

  • GuardRails provides key functionality that will help significantly reduce your organizations risk and cost from platform and product customizations and configurations.
  • Generate 'snapshots' of your production environment to track and remediate all high risk customizations and configurations.
  • Execute upgrade simulations to full version or patch levels in three clicks.
  • Execute platform baselines and gain visibility of historic customization or high risk configurations.
  • Align risks and technical debt to projects and specific development activity.
  • Easily capture remediation items for remediation planning and road mapping.
  • Capture, review, and action all high risk configurations and customizations in any number of development instances.
  • Fine tune risk tolerances for configurations and customizations.
  • Architect level dashboarding for all open configuration changes and customizations.
  • Immediate visibility of risk and impact on your in-progress customizations and configurations.
  • Immediate visibility of the potential impact of known errors and platform or product roadmap items related to your configurations or customizations.
  • Automated generation of code object relationships within your ServiceNow environment.

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