Leveraging a global network of proprietary sensors, GreyNoise collects, analyses, and labels data on IPs that saturate security tools with noise. This unique perspective helps security teams waste less time on irrelevant or harmless activity, and spend more time focused on urgent and critical threats.
Attackers today conduct mass internet scans to find and exploit perimeter weaknesses, repeatedly using the same attack methods across organizations. GreyNoise's global sensor network captures these interactions, providing near real-time, verifiable threat intelligence. This allows our customers to quickly defend against attacks.
Data Collection
GreyNoise’s global fleet of thousands of sensors mimic commonly used software and capture data on all the traffic that interacts with them.
Data Analysis
The GreyNoise analytics engine processes the traffic that interacts with the sensors in real-time, classifies the intent of the activity using labels such as Benign, Suspicious, or Malicious, and tags related data making it easy for our customers to query and analyze.
Data Dissemination
GreyNoise’s data can be consumed using our Visualizer portal, our API, bulk data files, or integrated directly into your security platforms.