Open-Source Intelligence for a Safer World

Penlink is a global leader in open-source intelligence. Our mission of “OSINT For Good” is to protect global communities, organizations and corporations from crime, threats, cyber attacks and fraud. By detecting threats before harm occurs, analysts and investigators can mitigate risks to people, assets and locations.

Designed by intelligence and security experts, our solution enables the seamless analysis of publicly available sources, including information from the open, deep and dark web. This AI-powered analysis allows you to generate actionable insights quickly, protecting communities, people and assets from harm.

Our solution allows users to monitor for threats in real-time, receive alerts of relevant events and analyze online activity across all layers of the web. With our multifaceted approach to completing investigations, our technologies address today’s complex hurdles and evolving challenges to protecting communities, assets and people.

Penlink uses automated web intelligence to support the following sectors:

  • Law Enforcement
  • National Security
  • Financial Institutions
  • Corporations

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