Trilio Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K)

    Trilio for Kubernetes provides fast and easy backup, disaster and ransomware recovery and mobility of applications, containers and virtual machines across any cluster, anywhere. Use Trilio and its groundbreaking Intelligent Recovery capabilities to build intelligent hybrid or multi-cloud disaster recovery strategies, and quickly recover on same cluster-same namespace, same cluster-different namespace, different cluster-any namespace, etc.

    Trilio can perform this restoration for both container-based applications in Kubernetes and VMs in KubeVirt as well; and, works with all CNCF certified Kubernetes distributions.

    • Easy Install Operator - Simple Operator Hub or Helm based installation
    • Agentless - Trilio runs as pods, without the need for sidecars or modification to your applications
    • Non-disruptive - Snapshot capture of stateless and stateful applications, PVCs, including VMs
    • Deployed and Managed as CRDs - Trilio extends standard Kubernetes features through Custom Resource Definitions - no separate CLI tool required
    • Self-Service - Backup & restore helm, label deployments, operators, and VMs using UI or Kubernetes CLI
    • Disaster Recovery -Trilio’s Continuous Restore capability, which replicates backup images to multiple heterogeneous clusters and clouds simultaneously.
    • Automation - Application discovery, backup, restore, DR, and policy management all driven by simple, click-driven workflows or can be automated thru Ansible or Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management.
    • T4K leverages core Kubernetes APIs and the CSI framework to provide simple snapshots, backups, and restore operations.
    • T4K works within public cloud, private cloud or air-gapped environments.
    • Backup images are saved in a universal QCOW2 format and can be offloaded to and recovered from any S3, NFS, or blob storage (T4K is storage agnostic).
    • Backup images include pods, PVs, configuration maps, secrets, and other artifacts for Trilio to recover specific files or recreate the entire application during the restoration process.
    • Trilio can migrate application data and allows for metadata transforming and editing before it is restored to the target environment, an important step when moving between clouds and Kubernetes distributions.
    • Trilio has deep integrations with Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) and cloud services.
  • Trilio for OpenStack (T4O)

    Trilio’s Intelligent Recovery Platform is designed as a native OpenStack service to provide tenant driven policy-based data protection. IT managers, Cloud Architects and DevOps Engineers leverage Trilio for backup and recovery, migrations, disaster recovery, ransomware protection and application mobility. Trilio’s Backup as a Service design can dramatically reduce the amount of time your entire team spends on restoration activities. For example, you can restore entire workloads in one click.


    • Single Pane of Glass: Trilio is able to consolidate all data infrastructure onto one unified and efficient multi-cloud data platform that modernizes and simplifies data and application management, resiliency, privacy, and control by providing one interface for managing and securing data.
    • Enterprise Class Data Protection with Broad Ecosystem Support: Trilio’s software-only solution natively integrates into your OpenStack cloud to protect application data and metadata. It allows application consistent backups, restore transforms, policy-based management and efficient data management, and can continuously stage data in multiple clouds for near-instantaneous recovery.
    • Seamless Agentless Integration: Installed with your favorite DevOps tools, integrate Trilio with OpenStack at every available point, including block storage (Cinder), identity management (Keystone), compute resources (Nova), and usability (Horizon).
    • Cyber Threat and Ransomware Protection: Utilizing existing identity management tools and OpenStack APIs to distribute management capabilities to all provisioned users of your cloud, Trilio provides cloud and backup administrators with complete control, visibility, and oversight of their OpenStack operations in a single view. Limit unnecessary data access and prevent unauthorized data addition, modification, and deletion with role-based access control. Leverage key management services such as Barbican and immutability through S3 locking.
    • Trilio can protect and intelligently recover thousands of applications spanning a global distributed architecture while capturing and restoring variations of network and storage configurations. Leverage these capabilities to protect environments during upgrade cycles, hardware refreshs or migration between distributions.
  • Migrate from VMware to Red Hat OpenStack Platform

    A seamless software-based solution to migrate live production clouds without disrupting ongoing operations. Trilio’s tenant-driven workflows discover VMware workloads and extract their data and associated metadata. Trilio creates these resources on the OpenStack platform, then gives users maximum flexibility to remap VMware constructs to OpenStack constructs. Users can repeatedly execute migration plans until they are 100% confident that migration workloads meet their business needs. Automation is critical for the project. Because Trilio has a robust set of APIs, Ansible playbooks can be leveraged to run and manage Trilio and the project at scale.


    Unparalleled Scale with Built-in OpenStack Provider:

    • Deep integration within OpenStack
    • Designed for OpenStack Admins to bring in VMware Virtual Machines
    • Integrated into OpenStack UI and Command Line
    • Placeholder VMs are created along with Networking, Security Groups and Storage Volumes
    • Map VMware network configurations to OpenStack subnets and netmasks
    • Assign Security groups for each instance
    • Choose VM flavors and VM metadata on OpenStack
    • Map Datastores to Volume types on OpenStack
    • Placeholder VMs are tested for boot operation and communication with related VMs
    • Trilio’s Data Mover copies data from VMware VMs to the newly staged OpenStack VMs
    • Migrate VMs with multiple strategies based on your needs – Dry Run (tests), Cold Migration, Warm Migration
    • See the virt-v2v support page to confirm Hypervisor and Guest compatibility