TLUX Technologies Solutions for the Public Sector

  • AdminStudio training course (4 days)

    This is our standard Flexera AdminStudio training course which can be offered either via our public schedule or at bespoke dates for clients, ur AdminStudio training course takes you from little or no knowledge right through the main elements of application packaging and the whole AdminStudio suite, including package preparation, testing, configuration, workflow automation and troubleshooting and deployment. This is a virtually-delivered instructor-led public course (so there will be attendees from other organisations, which is great for peer-to-peer learning). it takes people from no knowledge of AdminStudio or Application Packaging

  • Advanced AdminStudio training course (4 days)

    Advanced Flexera AdminStudio training course which can be offered either via our public schedule or at bespoke dates for clients, it has a prerequisite of attending the ‘standard’ course or 1-2 years of packaging experience is recommended. This is a virtually-delivered instructor-led public course (so there will be attendees from other organisations, which is great for peer-to-peer learning)

  • AdminStudio HealthCheck (5 days)

    This offering for existing clients who have been using AdminStudio for some time and who might have had a team change and/or need some review of their implementation of AdminStudio, both configuration of their AdminStudio instance and the processes around how they are using it is covered. A health check report is the deliverable, highlighting and scoring various areas of improvement and recommendations and pricing thereof

  • AdminStudio with Package Feed Module QuickStart (7 days)

    This is the baseline installation and configuration offering for new clients. This gets AdminStudio up and running in a basic configuration and high level walkthrough but is often coupled with attendance of the 5-day training if formal training is required. At the same time, we will carry out an expert implementation and configuration of the Package Feed Module within your AdminStudio environment and provide best-practice guidance as well as training/mentoring of your team. This will NOT install/configure AdminStudio itself, the assumption is that has been done (if not please see below for the combined services offering).

  • AdminStudio QuickStart (5 days)

    This is the baseline installation and configuration offering for new clients. This gets AdminStudio up and running in a basic configuration and high level walkthrough, but is often coupled with attendance of the 5-day training if formal training is required

  • AdminStudio Package Feed Module QuickStart (2 days)

    This engagement will carry out an expert implementation and configuration of the Package Feed Module within your AdminStudio environment and provide best-practice guidance as well as training/mentoring of your team. This will NOT install/configure AdminStudio itself, the assumption is that has been done (if not please see below for the combined services


  • InstallShield training course (5 days)

    This is our standard Revenera InstallShield training course which can be offered either via our public schedule or at bespoke dates for clients, it takes people from no knowledge of InstallShield or writing installations, but windows knowledge and experience of where files are located and the Windows Registry is useful. This is a virtually-delivered instructor-led public course (so there will be attendees from other organisations, which is great for peer-to-peer learning).

  • InstallShield Advanced training course (3 days)

    Our Advanced Windows Installer (MSI) Using InstallShield’ course provides you with a solid understanding of advanced techniques to customize the appearance and behaviour of your installations.

    The techniques used in this course involve Basic MSI projects in InstallShield, which use the Windows Installer service (MSI) for the installation's behavior and appearance. While the course does occasionally make use of InstallScript custom actions in Basic MSI projects, this course does not cover InstallScript MSI projects. This is a virtually-delivered instructor-led public course (so there will be attendees from other organisations, which is great for peer-to-peer learning).

  • Installer HealthCheck (4 days)

    This engagement takes place remotely over 4 days, starting off with calls with the people in your team such as installation/software engineers, marketing and/or product management teams (amongst others), we then do a deep-dive into your project(s) taking several areas into account and documenting that in full detail within the resulting summary report, providing a ‘heatmap’ based on score for each area:

    The following topics form part of the health check report :

    • Shortcuts Usage
    • Install/Un-Install Behavior and Update/Upgrade Compliance
    • InstallCondition Usage
    • System Configuration (Files, Folders, Services, Registry)
    • Custom Action Usage
    • Use of Scripting Languages
    • Localizations, User Interface and Corporate Branding
    • Windows Services
    • Project/Build/Release Format
  • Installation Authoring/Troubleshooting: (duration to be scoped)

    This engagement represents our consulting services whereby we scope via a call/calls with the client and a questionnaire as to what particular problems they need our assistance with which is then executed on a day rate basis via a quote or Statement or Work (SOW) as appropriate. This can be anything from a specific point—problem to rebuilding an entire installation, performing troubleshooting as well as us taking on the regular task of managing their installations/builds/releases – a typical example here of our monthly subscription consulting services.