Teleport Solutions for the Public Sector

  • SSH
    • Consolidate identity-based server access across all environments, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior.
    • Remove all keys from the environment
  • Kubernetes
    • Consolidate identity-based access to Kubernetes clusters across all environments, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior.
    • Unmatched auditing capabilities
    • Remove all secrets from the environment
  • Database
    • Implement identity-based access to PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, MSQL and other databases, prevent data exfiltration, meet compliance requirements, and have complete visibility into access and behavior.
    • Remove passwords, secrets and keys from the environment
  • Windows
    • Identity-based, passwordless access to Windows hosts across all computing environments: in the cloud, on-premises, or on the edge.
  • Applications
    • Identity-based access to CI/CD pipelines, AWS console, monitoring dashboards, code repositories, and other internal web applications across all environments.
  • SSO
    • SAML Provider