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Learn how Government agencies are modernizing their digital access control tools with ForgeRock's Identity Gateway

The federal government has made strides over the past several years in strengthening and modernizing access control for employees with Common Access Cards (CACs) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials for authentication with web applications or APIs. However, CACs and PIVs don’t address all authentication issues.

ForgeRock’s Identity Gateway, an intelligent, identity-aware proxy (IAP), provides a solution for government agencies to ensure that secure authentication is maintained throughout the user’s entire session. Download our free Tech Spotlight and learn how ForgeRock's Identity Gateway targets your Government Agency's needs through:

Tech Spotlight ForegeRock Graphic
  • CAC/PIV Card Enablement
  • DOD Microservices
  • Migration to the Cloud

Complete the Form to Download Our Tech Spotlight and learn how to modernize your digital access control tools with ForgeRock's Identity Gateway.