Stage2Data Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Cohesity-as-a-Service

    Cohesity, a Stage2Data platinum partner, delivers a comprehensive SaaS solution for data center modernization. Using their platform, Stage2Data offers consolidated backups, file archiving and file sharing, object storage, and data analytics, ensuring complete protection of all data workloads. Cohesity’s solution enhances efficiency by eliminating data silos and maximizing data value, with built-in redundancy for ransomware protection. The solution accelerates multi-cloud strategies and helps reduce software and legacy hardware costs with Stage2Data’s Cohesity-as-a-Service. It simplifies backup and recovery using a modern software-defined platform, making long-term retention and archival easy with their cloud-native solution. Globally scalable file and object consolidation is possible with multiprotocol access and deduplication features. Finally, Cohesity seamlessly integrates cloud data management and protection into this scalable and pay-as-you-go model.

  • ​DRaaS

    Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud-based solution that protects businesses from data loss and interruptions. It enhances your current infrastructure without requiring replacements. Key features include failback, which restores data to the primary site, and failover, which ensures business continuity by redirecting requests to a backup system during system failures. Replication duplicates data from the primary site to the DRaaS provider for remote hosting. Importantly, DRaaS conducts background DR testing, enabling smooth compliance with legal regulations and service level agreements.

  • ​NRaaSTM

    Network Recovery-as-a-Service (NRaaS) is a comprehensive solution for maintaining network continuity with minimal business impact. In the event of a failure, your entire network will failover to Stage2Data’s private cloud, keeping public IP addresses unchanged and ensuring immediate accessibility and functionality of VMs and data. The service manages end-to-end network and DR solutions without customer or third-party intervention. In the case of a complete site failure, all resources are shifted to the Stage2Datacloud. NRaaS also enables setting up recovery time objectives for site recovery testing.

  • Cybersecurity

    Stage2Data provides a comprehensive offensive cybersecurity solution, offering multi-layered protection for LAN, public and private clouds. It includes managed cyber threat prevention, vulnerability assessment to analyze risk and suggest mitigation strategies, and penetration testing to evaluate external asset security. Their Domain Security Intelligence service assesses ransomware susceptibility, while their Ransomware Protection offers robust defense against such attacks. Firewalls act as the first line of defense against unauthorized access. Additionally, their solutions ensure data protection and compliance with industry regulations, integrated seamlessly into your backup process.