Stack Moxie Solutions for the Public Sector

Customer Experience and Engagement AI Readiness Solution

Stack Moxie provides automated QA (Quality Assurance) Testing and Monitoring for public sector organizations that disseminate information to constituents. Improve public trust by reducing errors and improving data quality.

Website Modernization and Mobile Enhancement Solution

Your website is your front door to your constituency. Stack Moxie provides monitoring for website performance, and validates compliance with regulations for privacy and consent.

  • ​Cookie Monitoring and Compliance
  • ​Consent Monitoring and Compliance
  • ​Performance Monitoring and Change Management

    Monitor website performance on desktop and mobile. Track any updates to pixels and scripts that may indicate changes to user tracking.

  • ​Contact Form Monitoring

    If your constituents contact you through web forms, Stack Moxie monitoring can ensure a seamless process. Make sure form submissions get processed promptly and routed correctly.

  • ​AI Monitoring for Website Interactions

    For organizations who have deployed Artificial Intelligence chat or support into their Website Experience, Stack Moxie provides end-to-end testing and monitoring solutions. Stack Moxie provides accurate context for AI prompts from your core systems, and validates outcomes to ensure you delivered a quality experience to your constituents.

Public Outreach Solution

As public sector organizations increasingly adopt digital services to meet the needs of constituents, It becomes more critical to establish trust and maintain your reputation. Stack Moxie provides QA (Quality Assurance) Testing and Monitoring to achieve fewer errors in delivery of communications.

  • ​Email Deliverability

    Ensure that your emails arrive in the inbox, rather than getting rejected or ending up in spam. Stack Moxie provides monitoring for domain reputation and spam abuse rate. Stack Moxie also offers QA (Quality Assurance) testing to catch errors and bugs before you send.

  • ​Campaign QA

    Reduce errors and launch your outreach efforts more quickly. Using synthetic data, Stack Moxie tests your public outreach campaigns end-to-end before they launch. Tests then deploy as monitors and regressions tests to ensure that campaigns maintain reliability after they launch.

  • ​AI Monitoring for Public Outreach

    Stack Moxie is your AI Monitoring solutions for interactions with the public. Prepare accurate prompts, and validate outcomes to ensure that constituents receive accurate and helpful experiences.