SpecterOps Solutions for the Public Sector

  • BloodHound Enterprise

    BloodHound uses graph theory to reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory or Azure environment. Attackers can use BloodHound to easily identify highly complex attack paths that would otherwise be impossible to quickly identify. Defenders can use BloodHound to identify and eliminate those same attack paths. Both blue and red teams can use BloodHound to easily gain a deeper understanding of privilege relationships in an Active Directory or Azure environment.

    Based on four core tenets:

    • Continuous Attack Path mapping - BloodHound Enterprise analysis begins by automatically identifying critical directory assets also known as Tier Zero or the Control Plane. Attack Paths are then continuously mapped to understand how adversaries can move laterally and escalate privilege to compromise your environment.
    • Attack Path Choke Point prioritization - Millions of Attack Paths are analyzed to identify privilege choke points that allow you to eliminate the largest amount of Attack Paths with a single fix. BloodHound Enterprise then ranks these finite set of Choke Points by collective risk reduction.
    • Real-world remediation guidance - Start removing misconfiguration debt today by using the guided remediations that walk administrators through how to resolve the issue screen by screen.
    • Continuous security posture measurement - Establish a baseline and track progress as changes to Active Directory are made, reassessing risk
  • BloodHound Community Edition (BHCE)

    BloodHound Community Edition represents a significant advancement in the field of privilege escalation and Active Directory (AD) security. Functioning as a specialized tool, BloodHound is designed to reveal and visualize potential attack paths within an AD environment. It serves as a crucial asset for security professionals, allowing them to identify and address security risks associated with AD configurations. The Community Edition is noteworthy for being both free and standalone, making it more accessible to a broader user base. Key enhancements include a redesigned user interface, improved performance, and advanced data analysis capabilities. BloodHound CE now shares a common code base with BHE. This means more frequent updates from us and easier consumption of community contributions. In essence, BloodHound Community Edition serves as a user-friendly resource, empowering security practitioners to conduct comprehensive assessments of AD security and fortify defenses against potential vulnerabilities.

  • Training Course Solutions

    Adversary Tactics: Red Team Operations

    • The "Adversary Tactics: Red Team Operations" course offers an advanced training experience focusing on the latest Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) employed by attackers in real-world breaches. Participants will learn to infiltrate networks, gather intelligence, and persist covertly like advanced adversaries. The curriculum covers topics such as designing and deploying covert attack infrastructure, gaining initial access through client-side attacks, utilizing advanced Active Directory techniques, and performing sophisticated post-exploitation actions. The course emphasizes "offense-in-depth," encouraging adaptability to defender actions and technical defenses. It provides a simulated enterprise environment with active network defenders, allowing students to face real-time challenges and receive feedback. The goal is to prepare individuals for Red Team operations, enhance technical skills, and improve defense against modern adversary tradecraft, with a focus on assuming a "breach mentality" given the inevitability of advanced threats.

    Adversary Tactics: Detection

    • The "Adversary Tactics: Detection" course addresses the constant threat of adversaries targeting enterprise networks. Recognizing the asymmetry in the battle between attackers and blue team defenders, the course advocates for a proactive defense strategy that assumes a breach could occur and focuses on actively searching for signs of compromise. Emphasizing the abnormal behaviors and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) of attackers, the training program builds on standard network defense and incident response by teaching participants how to create threat hunting hypotheses. Skilled operators will learn to use free and open-source tools like Sysmon, ELK, and Automated Collection and Enrichment Platform to gather and analyze host information, enabling them to detect and respond to malicious activity in a simulated enterprise network compromised by various threat actors.

    Adversary Tactics: Tradecraft Analysis

    • The "Adversary Tactics: Tradecraft Analysis" course delves into the intricacies of attack techniques and telemetry for detection and response products. It emphasizes the need to question default configurations, simulate attacks, and understand the inner workings of adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). Focusing on Windows components, the training explores how attackers interact with software layers to evade detection. The course addresses the common mistake of relying on default configurations, advocating for continuous testing and enhancement of detection capabilities. Participants learn to deconstruct attack techniques, identify telemetry sources, and create effective evasion and detection strategies. The goal is to empower red team operators and detection engineers with a comprehensive understanding of attack chains and the ability to improve detection coverage.

    Active Directory: Security Fundamentals

    • "Active Directory: Security Fundamentals" is a course designed to demystify the various components of Active Directory (AD) and highlight potential security risks for organizations. It addresses complex architectural requirements and sheds light on terms like Kerberos, ADUC, Golden Tickets, and Security Principals often found in penetration test reports. The training empowers network defenders by providing a comprehensive understanding of AD components, allowing them to inspect their Active Directory architecture and enhance security. The course covers both physical and logical components, forests and domains, Kerberos, and tools like ADUC, with a focus on security implications. Participants gain hands-on experience in enumerating AD architectures and security controls in a live environment, enabling them to analyze extracted data for better security management.

    Azure Security Fundamentals

    • "Azure Security Fundamentals" is a course designed for individuals tasked with attacking or defending Azure architecture, especially in organizations rapidly transitioning to the cloud. The training aims to enhance participants' understanding of Azure's infrastructure components, common architecture designs, and security controls within the attacker lifecycle. Through hands-on labs, the course guides participants in identifying misconfigurations commonly exploited by attackers in Azure. The focus is on building a strong foundation in Azure security, enabling participants to embark on their journey of attacking or defending corporate Azure environments. Emphasizing practical insights, the course covers cloud-based and hybridized environments, providing a comprehensive understanding of Azure security. The hands-on labs, coupled with guidance from SpecterOps practitioners, ensure participants gain practical skills and insights for effective Azure security management.

    Adversary Tactics: Vulnerability Research for Operators

    • "Adversary Tactics: Vulnerability Research for Operators" teaches red team operators how to overcome challenges in exploiting weaknesses within enterprise Windows environments. With publicly available tools becoming less effective, the course focuses on complex environments with custom configurations. Operators learn the methodology and tools to quickly identify, triage, and exploit vulnerabilities during time-sensitive engagements. The training covers common vulnerability classes found by SpecterOps in mature environments, providing insights into root causes, identification techniques, and exploitation methods. Hands-on exercises, suitable for various experience levels, enhance operators' effectiveness in navigating mature environments without the need for extensive lead time or dedicated lab environments. The course emphasizes practical triage and operationalization skills for success as a red team operator.
  • Program Development

    Detection Program Development - Identify gaps between current operational capabilities and strategic objectives, including staff skillsets, technical capabilities, and program support infrastructure. Develop and execute a strategic plan with a roadmap for bringing current capabilities to desired outcomes.

    Red Team Program Development - Evaluate internal adversary simulation and assessment capabilities against program objectives. Support capability development through skillset development, operational training, technical maturation, documentation and communications strategies.

  • Assessments

    Penetration Testing - Our penetration tests aim to help organizations understand the potential impact of a breach and assess the effectiveness of security controls protecting critical assets. Our expert team collaborates with clients to design engagements that maximize risk visibility in a cost-effective and timely manner. Unlike traditional approaches, we prioritize impact-driven testing, ensuring efficient assessment of anorganization's capability to protect critical assets, whether it involves accessing sensitive information or breaching security boundaries.

    Red Team Engagements - Our red team engagement approach, rooted in military backgrounds, prioritizes training for detection and response capabilities. Unlike varying definitions in the industry, our focus is on providing realistic training opportunities using both novel and known adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). We aim to enhance understanding of the genuine risk posed by advanced threat actors, building exercise objectives to address gaps in detection, investigation technology, processes, and staff training. Our debriefs offer context for improved future responses, allowing organizations to practice against worst-case scenarios without the associated risks.

    Purple Team Assessments - Our purple team approach focuses on enhancing security control effectiveness through a combination of adversary simulation and detection expertise. We emphasize dynamic evaluation as the optimal method for assessing the efficacy of security controls, especially since many controls are vendor-supplied and opaque in their analytics. Unlike standard purple teaming, we prioritize careful test case selection, leveraging our research and tradecraft knowledge to create a set of representative cases that capture various aspects of each target behavior.

    Maturity Assessments - SpecterOps offers unique expertise in evaluating the effectiveness of security operations programs, drawing from experience leading U.S. Department of Defense teams and building internal capabilities for Fortune 500 corporations. With a focus on training and a proven track record in developing effective teams, SpecterOps provides a third-party, expert perspective on an organization's current security posture. Their assessment approach identifies deficiencies, recommends solutions, and establishes a roadmap for addressing capability gaps to meet strategic objectives systematically.

    AD Attack Path Assessments - The Active Directory (AD) Attack Path Assessment by SpecterOps aims to regain control over directories and disrupt the adversary's preferred lateral movement target. Attack Paths, chains of exploitable privileges and user behaviors, create connections between users and assets. Traditional methods struggle to address these misconfigurations, contributing to the increasing complexity of Attack Paths. This service, utilizing BloodHound Enterprise, maps AD Attack Paths comprehensively, prioritizes them by organizational impact, and provides step-by-step remediation guidance to eliminate millions of paths with minimal fixes. SpecterOps offers insight into how adversaries view directories and empowers organizations to regain control.