Emerging Technology Trends

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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, Public Sector agencies must leverage emerging technologies to keep pace with the needs and demands of the nation. Staying at the forefront of technology enables agencies to achieve mission-successful outcomes and deliver exceptional results.

Carahsoft, the Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®, excels in delivering innovative IT products to Government agencies by combing cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of mission requirements, ensuring tailored solutions that enhance efficiency, security and compliance.

emerging technologies

Your Trusted Emerging Technology Solutions Provider

Carahsoft partners with emerging technology providers to deliver innovative, impactful and cost-effective IT solutions that drive modernization. Our portfolio features a wide range of breakthrough technology solutions that meet the unique needs of the public sector, including:

  • Enhanced Collaboration and Accelerated Workflows
  • Secure and Resilient Supply Chains
  • National Security
  • Sustainability
  • Groundbreaking Disruptive Digital Technologies

Explore our comprehensive portfolio of emerging technologies below and discover how to future-proof your organization.

  • All Emerging Technologies Vendors
  • Blockchain (7)
  • Digital Twins (7)
  • Environmental & Sustainability Solutions (4)
  • Supply Chain Management (9)
  • Team Collaboration (10)

All Emerging Technologies Vendors

Emerging Technology Resources

Alongside our partners, Carahsoft has developed the resources below to provide further insight into our Emerging Technology solutions portfolio. Explore the resources below to learn more about Blockchain, Digital Twins, Environmental and Sustainability solutions, Supply Chain Management and Team Collaboration.

Digital Twins

Connect the Physical and Virtual World to Better Plan, Design, Construct, and Operate Your Road Networks.


omniverse-enterprise-5-steps-digital-twins-ebook_thumbnail.PNG DIGITAL TWINS RESOURCE
The next decade will be completely transformative for companies across all industries as they embrace the possibilities of the metaverse and advanced simulations to develop new products and services, enhance customer experiences, and unlock speed, agility, and operational efficiencies.


Environmental & Sustainability Solutions

This infographic identifies the need for securing remote workers and creating a data-centric cyber defense.


5_Opportunities_for_Banks_to_Reduce_Physical_Risk_Exposure_Fueled_by_Climate_Change.jpeg ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS RESOURCE
CoreLogic® and BCG® investigate potential actions for GSEs to respond to FHFA’s evolving position on physical climate risk.


Supply Chain Management

lineaje_-_Scope_of_Exec_Order.jpg SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT RESOURCE
Executive Order 14028 is requiring vendors to now follow new procedures to ensure that the standards stay high. Some major updates are Hi-Fidelity Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), Vulnerability Disclosure Report (VDR), Signed Self-Attestation Letter of Conformance to EO 14028 per Section 4(e), Evidentiary Artifacts of That Demonstrate Conformance with EO 140285, and Secure Sharing of SBOMs, VDR, Attestation Letters and Evidence with agencies.


Software is under attack by finding a weakness and taking advantages. Taking on these attacks on the supply chain involves different systems to be working simultaneously. A extensive approach is needed in order to handle the full complexity of the problem.


Team Collaboration

Jennifer_Warrd_Interview_thumbnail_150px.png TEAM COLLABORATION RESOURCE
Government agencies need cutting-edge tools to foster innovation across their organization. In this episode of FEDSCOOP’s Executive Interview Series at AWS Innovation Day, hear from Jennifer Ward, VP Solutions Engineer at Salesforce, to learn how cloud-based collaboration tools are the key to unlocking innovation potential. Jennifer also delves into the pivotal role of trusted AI in revolutionizing citizen services and showcases how Salesforce’s strategic partnership with AWS delivers more value to government agencies.


Virtual_Collaboration_Software_for_Microsoft_Teams.jpg TEAM COLLABORATION RESOURCE
Frameable is changing how teams collaborate in hybrid and remote environments. Frameable allows distributed teams to work more naturally with key colleagues, see where they are, who they’re with, and what they’re working on in Microsoft Teams. Read this one-pager to understand how to reach your goals faster, cultivate a supportive work culture, and add flexibility into everyday interactions.
