red hat containers accelerate mission impact of the IC multicloud strategy

Red Hat Kubernetes Containers Accelerate MuliCloud Adoption for the Intelligence Community

Unify Application Scalability, Management and Security

As legacy applications hinder operational agility, the Intelligence Community (IC) must adopt a robust multicloud strategy to enhance team collaboration and data security across various edge-to-cloud environments. Red Hat simplifies Federal multicloud strategy adoption by integrating Kubernetes containers and management capabilities into data centers, enabling organizations to streamline cloud migration, increase application flexibility and elevate performance.

Unlock the Red Hat overview resource to discover how the IC and DevSecOps teams can deploy automated applications by leveraging the Red Hat OpenShift platform to create, secure and manage Kubernetes containers at scale. Explore how Red Hat OpenShift helps Federal and Intelligence agencies accelerate software development frameworks, allowing organizations to increase application portability, security and standardization while maintaining Kubernetes compliance.

Discover how Red Hat advances multicloud strategy execution and accelerates time to mission impact for the IC by:

red hat containers accelerate mission impact of the IC multicloud strategy
  • Modernizing cloud migrations across data ecosystems
  • Safeguarding code with zero trust architecture
  • Automating resource allocation to maximize system efficiency
  • Creating visibility for IT teams to enhance application performance

Fill Out the form and access the overview resource and learn how the Red Hat OpenShift Plus Platform can empower your IC agency to secure, standardize and modernize applications at scale in an agile cloud environment.