Elastic Success Stories in Higher Education

Success Stories in Higher Education

Universities stand poised on a data security tightrope, tasked with safeguarding vast amounts of sensitive user, behavioral, and endpoint data while fostering open academic environments. This balancing act becomes more challenging when hampered by operational inefficiencies. Managing data hosted on disparate platforms creates maintenance difficulties that cause an increase in security vulnerabilities, limits collaboration efforts and strains IT service capabilities. The search for a unified, cost-effective data solution is becoming more essential for securing modern institution networks.

The Elastic Stack, a unified data platform, provides actionable insights and a cost-effective approach that empowers universities to protect sensitive data, optimize operations and unlock the full potential of their diverse ecosystems. This diverse network, much like cities, generates and stores information from tens of thousands of students, faculty and staff. With Elastic, threats to university data are caught before they occur, systems run smoothly and collaboration and innovation are made easier in an intuitive, enterprise-ready platform.

App State

University of Nevada



UC Davis