• Leading Full Lifecycle Grants Management System: Request a GovGrants Demo TODAY!
  • Automate Your Grants Management with GovGrants
  • There's a Reason GovGrants is Popular

GovGrants® is an enterprise class, full lifecycle grants management system (GMS) built on the Salesforce cloud platform. GovGrants is an off-the-shelf product offered as a SaaS (software-as-a-service) subscription. Agencies benefit because they don’t need need to pay for hardware, software, or upgrade costs. GovGrants offers agencies further benefits because it is widely scalable, reliable, flexible, and fast to deploy.

As shown below, GovGrants provides public agencies a fully integrated, enterprise-level grants management solution that meets both “As a Grantor” and “As a Grantee” requirements. Thus, GovGrants provides agencies the full set of functionalities they need to manage the grants they award, and the grants they receive.

As shown below, GovGrants offers agencies a complete grants management feature set. GovGrants enables agencies to centralize and standardize their grants management processes, workflows, and approvals to drive greater operational efficiencies, increase their ability to report on grant programs in real-time with 360-degree views of all grant program data, and improve the overall user experience for both internal staff and external applicants and grant recipients.

GovGrants supports agencies and drives their mission.

GovGrants was designed and built by REI Systems. With more than 28 years of grants domain expertise, REI is a leading provider of grants management solutions to federal, state, and local government customers. 

REI is also invested in helping the grants community. In collaboration with the National Grants Management Association (NGMA) and George Washington University (GWU), REI conducts an annual grants management survey to learn from the people engaged in grants management and help drive positive change. We also conduct multiple Grants Management Breakfast Forums to bring together professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss grant management issues, challenges, and keys to success.

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