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Better Together: Red Hat Ansible Streamlines Automation in the ServiceNow ITSM Platform

Enhancing Workflow Speed, Accuracy and Efficiency

To avoid service requests bottlenecks caused by continuous authorization and compliance requirements, Government agencies must adopt automation and visibility solutions that enhance their workflow processes. Red Hat Ansible integrates with ServiceNow ITSM to provide an automated service management solution with full workflow transparency, empowering Federal, State and Local agencies to streamline service delivery. This collaboration enables organizations to automate request creation, modification and resolutions, allowing IT teams to minimize potential human error and increase productivity.

ServiceNow ITSM provides agencies with a unified service management platform for creating innovative and simplified workflows, enabling organizations to streamline their digital transformation strategies. ServiceNow centralizes requests that are often located in disparate data silos, creating a single repository that standardizes data to increase visibility and auditability. Whether maintaining system processes or supporting agency initiatives, ServiceNow expedites service management workflows to maximize operational efficiencies while maintaining Government compliance.

Red Hat Ansible is an enterprise IT automation solution that enhances digital service management and monitoring at scale. With service requests requiring continuous approval, Red Hat enables teams to streamline system configurations, orchestrate mission-critical workflows and deploy software while maintaining regulatory compliance. Empower your Government agency to enhance public service delivery by increasing the efficiency and productivity of their IT service management.