
City of Denver Automates Operations with Red Hat Ansible

IT and Process Automation Solutions

Manual system processes often slow municipal operations and the pace of innovation. As a result, agencies must streamline routine tasks to maximize productivity. Red Hat enables organizations to digitally transform by simplifying user experiences and fostering collaboration with an automated approach to IT systems management. Red Hat's Ansible Automation Platform helped the City of Denver optimize resource allocation, accelerate service delivery and revolutionize operational efficiency.

Unlock the video presentation to discover how Hailaeos Troy, Senior DevOps Automation Architect for the City of Denver, integrated Ansible Automation into Microsoft Teams and ServiceNow applications to streamline processes, eliminate manual errors and drive cost savings. Explore real-world examples showcasing how Red Hat Ansible's orchestration capabilities catapulted Denver into a new era of agile automation. By embracing the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, organizations can empower their workforce to automate complex tasks and focus on high-value initiatives.

Fill Out the Form to Watch the Red Hat Ansible Automation success story webinar and take the first step towards modernizing your organization’s process automation and workflow optimization initiatives.