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  • Learn how to include mobile in your zero-trust adoption.

Discover How to Protect Your Agency from Zero-Day Mobile Vulnerabilities

Quokka, an enterprise mobile security and privacy company, is the first and longest-standing mobile app security solution for the US Federal Government. Our suite of products provide proactive protection against zero-day mobile app and device vulnerabilities before they become incidents that put privacy, sensitive data, and trust reputation at risk.

Our mobile security solutions are powered by proprietary Android and iOS app scanning engines. Dedicated experts continuously develop and enhance defense-grade analysis engines, including more than 210 mobile CVEs. As a result Quokka delivers capabilities ahead of any other app testing technology on the market.

Key Mobile App Security Testing (MAST) and App Vetting capabilities:

  • Comprehensive static, dynamic, interactive and forced-path execution app analysis
  • Industry’s only automated mobile firmware app analysis for Android
  • Automated scanning in minutes, no source code needed
  • Analysis of compiled app binary, regardless of in-app or run-time obfuscations
  • Checks against privacy & security standards: NIAP, NIST, OWASP, MASVS & GDPR
  • Precise SBOM generation and analysis for vulnerability reporting to specific library version, including embedded libraries
  • Cloud-based platform to avoid drag on hardware or bandwidth
  • Fewer false negatives with fewer false positives
