Perspective Tester Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Assessment
    • Review of digital property to be tested. Any website, web system, portal, software application, mobile app, content or document needs to be assessed prior to testing. Assessment determines what testing will be required to achieve compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA (the official federal government standard).
  • Testing
    • Manual testing against accessibility requirements. Using the scope of work determined by the Assessment, manual testing using screenreaders and other assistive technology devices will be performed on whatever asset is targeted: website, mobile app, web system, documet, etc.
  • Remediation
    • Fixing code to make compliant with accessibility requirements. This work involves manipulating the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other code to achieve compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA (the official government standard for accessibility).
  • Monitoring
    • Ongoing testing against accessibility requirements. This ongoing testing is a requirement under the WCAG 2.1 AA (and all federal and state accessibility requirements). The cadence and scope will be detrermined during the assessment phase.
  • Document Remediation
    • Making documents of all types accessible. This work involves manual remediation of each page of each document. The scope of work will be detremined during the Assessment. Costs for this work will depend on the complexity of the documents being remediated. For example, PDFs with text and a few graphics are the simplest and cheapest. Maps and mathemtical formulas, charts and graphs will require more work to remediate and prices will be higher. This work will be priced per page.
  • Training
    • Live instructor training on accessibility best practices. This work can be customized for customer needs. For example, if a marketing team needs to create new content for a website and that content needs to be accessible for all users this training will focus on the platform being worked upon and the type of work being performed by the team to be trained. Training can cover WordPress, custom websites and web systems, document creation, etc.