Archived Events
AWS subject matter experts discussed AWS solutions and how they can help you achieve digital transformation without disruption by enabling a digital foundation that delivers any app on any cloud to any device.
Topics explored include:
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Amazon ...
Be a hybrid cloud hero. With VMware Cloud (VMC) on AWS, the only FedRAMP and Department of Defense (DOD) Impact Level 5 (IL5) authorized VMware Cloud solution, you can drastically accelerate your datacenter evacuation mandate.
VMC on AWS can help your agency move workloads to the cloud faster, and at a lower ...
Thank you for joining us for our Anitian webinar where we dove into the FedRAMP compliance journey to demonstrate the importance of FedRAMP sponsorship. During this webinar, we were joined by experts who provided valuable insights and practical tips on how to find a FedRAMP sponsor ...
During this in-person workshop, subject-matter experts discussed:
How VMC on AWS can accelerate datacenter evacuations
Procurement and certifications
How VMware Cloud works
VMware Cloud use cases
Thank you for your interest in our AWS and ConcernCenter webinar:
Create a Better User Experience with ConcernCenter
Unfortunately, this webinar is now over. We're sorry we missed you!
During this webinar, subject matter experts helped ...
During this webinar, attendees learned how they can unlock their siloed data and leverage it as cloud data. Attendees heard from government focused experts from Software AG, Snowflake, and AWS as they discuss their solution that was "Built for Gov" to provide more valuable access to your ...
Attendees joined AWS and Carahsoft on Tuesday, April 25th and heard subject-matter experts discuss how you, a solution provider partner, can grow your AWS cloud practice. Partners gained an understanding of the key strategies around building, running, and managing their cloud practice in both the ...
Alfresco Content and Governance Services is a solution for federal agencies to manage and secure their electronic information assets, while fostering collaboration and productivity among teams.
In this two-day workshop, attendees recieved hands-on experience with Hyland experts and learned:
How ...
Attendees of this partner webinar listened to subject-matter experts discuss:
The expectation and commitment of the Accelerated Development Program
Benefits of being an AWS Partner
The journey of becoming validated services partner including ways to excel in: technical validation, ...
In this webinar, Jim Keller, AWS Global CEO at Quantiphi, and Tami Fillyaw, U.S. State and Local Government Finance & Administration Leader at Amazon Web Services discuss how state and local government is transforming using artificial intelligence and machine learning featuring a live demo of QDOX.
Quantiphi ...