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Government Events and Resources



Improve Your Security Posture with Nutanix

Event Date: October 14, 2021
Hosted By: Nutanix & Carahsoft

The distributed nature of data across dissimilar IT environments has created new security challenges for organizations. Separate silos of enterprise storage, networks, and servers mean more complexity and staff to support, but also it means more vulnerability and possible attack points.

Nutanix technology can help improve security posture and start to align to Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) while modernizing IT to improve operations, increase agility, and support mission success.

In this webinar, attendees learned how Nutanix security can help you:

  • Comply with Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) to maintain a tight security baseline with self-healing deviations and a system-wide Security Configuration Management Automation (SCMA) service
  • Enable application-centric protections for network threats, malware, and ransomware
  • Monitor and protect data with real-time identification of malware and other nefarious activity 
  • Provide backup options, in case of a breach scenario, that will comply with strict regulations of the public sector

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