Archived Events
Since service is the front line of every customer engagement, modernizing the Call Center is more strategic than ever. Agents and Call Center leaders are expecting more out of standard channels such as Voice and Email and looking to expand into digital channels such as Messaging, Chat, and Bots. What should agencies ...
LNB Solutions, the creators of Kinship, have partnered with Salesforce and S-Docs to introduce an Enterprise Case & Financial Management Solution for Health & Human Services Agencies.Kinship is a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Case & Financial Management solution customized for State ...
In November, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which added more than $500B in infrastructure spending. It is expected that more funding will be made available for additional infrastructure investments once the FY22 Federal Budget is passed, and the majority of these funds will be spent ...
For more than two years the COVID-19 public health emergency has continued to present unprecedented challenges for government agencies providing citizens with health coverage.While finally, an end to the pandemic is in sight, citizens will continue to hold the government to high standards of communication - ...
From wildfires and hurricanes to increasing crime rates and the continuing pandemic, public safety organizations at all levels of government find themselves spread thin these days. However, a continued wave of technology innovations can help fill their need for better data, quicker response and effective delivery of ...
A virtual webinar session where you will learn from Travis Howerton (former NNSA CTO executive and current C2 Labs Co-Founder) and Salesforce. The focus of the webinar will be on how secure cloud collaboration tools can dramatically improve research productivity and community collaboration at DOE ...
Securing the supply chain has become a top priority for organizations across the government sector.The Washington Technology Power Breakfast: Supply Chain covered supply chain security topics including:The threat landscape and how it is evolving What government ...
As we continue to face the impacts of the pandemic, more citizens are visiting government websites to seek services, like licensing, permitting, and inspections. To help our customer agencies, like yours respond to the demand, Salesforce launched Public Sector Solutions for License, Permit, and Inspection ...
Attendees learned how municipal and county governments can quickly deploy constituent-centric experiences, speed up service delivery, and scale fast to meet Environmental Health (Permitting, Inspections, and Code Enforcement) mission demands with purpose-built applications for the Public ...