Archived Events
Azure Red Hat Openshift (ARO), a fully managed service to support application development and operations in the Azure Government cloud, is designed to simplify hosting and streamline the running of containerized applications for the Department of Defense.Watch our complimentary webinar to ...
Have you ever wondered where you are along the DevOps journey? What lessons have you re-learned since building your first container or how you can continue to secure your Kubernetes environment? What kinds of obstacles should you expect in the future and how can you plan to move past ...
Enterprise-wide automation has become a necessity to keep pace with the evolving demands of modern IT. As security threats grow and workloads scale in complexity, federal government agencies require a simple but robust automation solution.
Digitalization has become a core pillar in executing the mission and vision for the future of IT. When you modernize your team’s workflow with automation, processes that usually take days and hours can be completed in just a few moments, freeing up development time. Red Hat experts displayed ...
Managing enterprise-wide processes and operations can be a monumental challenge for public sector IT organizations. Siloed teams, non-integrated systems and legacy infrastructures hinder collaboration and often create bottlenecks.What if there was a single strategy to overcome ...
Regardless of where you are on your IT modernization journey, creating an enterprise-wide approach to automation can help you streamline not only IT processes, but also entire technologies, teams and organizations. Red Hat Ansible provides ...
Enterprise-wide automation has become a necessity to keep pace with the evolving demands of modern IT. As security threats grow and workloads scale in complexity, federal government agencies require a simple but robust automation solution.Red Hat Ansible helps the U.S. Department of Homeland ...
Federal scientific agencies require robust software capabilities to carry out their agency-specific missions and day-to-day operations. Enterprise-wide automation has become a necessity to keep pace with the evolving demands of modern IT. Red Hat Ansible is uniquely positioned to help your agency succeed with simple, ...
Embracing a decentralized modern enterprise IT ecosystem means accepting that mission critical workloads don’t just run inside of the data center. Modern customer and employee experience demands from the business ...
Security attacks can be frightening, and manually responding to them is inefficient and ineffective. Organizations that automate extensively are better able to prevent security incidents and business disruptionsHear Red Hat experts explore innovative ways to automate while leveraging ...