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Government Events and Resources


Alteryx, Inc.

Optimizing Enrollment Outcomes for Higher Education Institutions Through Advanced Analytics

Event Date: June 28, 2022
Hosted By: Alteryx & Carahsoft
Over the past decade, colleges and universities in the United States have seen a steady decline in enrollment, and that trend is not expected to reverse any time in the near future. Stretching across various functions from marketing, admissions, financial aid, and institutional research, the need for gathering deeper insights from data and having a strategic enrollment plan has never been greater.

Alteryx and HAI Analytics reviewed how a democratized approach to analytics, combined with visualizations from Tableau, could help enrollment managers meet the challenges of today's competitive higher ed landscape. 

During this webinar, attendees: 
  • Learned how colleges and universities can leverage advanced analytics to optimize enrollment outcomes 
  • Saw how to quickly leverage multiple and varied sources of data to improve understanding of what is working and what is not
  • Explored how analytics automation together with integration connected to Tableau will facilitate the sharing of insights

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User Group 22: F5 DoD Virtual User Group: Hybrid Multi-Cloud Networking and Full Stack App Security

User Group 22: F5 DoD Virtual User Group: Hybrid Multi-Cloud Networking and Full Stack App Security

During this F5 DoD Virtual User Group, you will learn how F5 Distributed Cloud showcases hybrid multi-cloud networking and Full Stack app security.

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