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Government Events and Resources



Achieve Adoption and Success in Splunk with Atlas

Event Date: May 26, 2021
Hosted By: Splunk, Kinney Group & Carahsoft

The Atlas platform is the help Splunk admins and users have been craving for. Empowering your team, Atlas will be the guide for truly taming your Splunk environment and processes. Atlas offers great tools for admins to maintain and improve Splunk, and users to properly make the most of it.

Attendees joined us for a webinar covering the Atlas platform's offering and what this means for your organization. During this webinar, attendees gained insight regarding:

  • How the Atlas platform helps Splunk owners on their journey
  • How to keep concurrency low, ensure data keeps coming in, track missing data, help build searches, and keep Splunk fast and under your license

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2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Insight engines

2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Insight engines

In the Critical Capabilities for Insight Engines 2021, Gartner conducted an in-depth evaluation of Lucidworks Fusion and ranked it second highest in three of the four use cases that drive Insight Engine purchases (Internal/Intranet Search, External/Website Search, and Insight Applications).

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