Carahsoft, in conjunction with its vendor partners, sponsors hundreds of events each year, ranging from webcasts and tradeshows to executive roundtables and technology forums.

Government Events and Resources



Transform Your Agency with Puppet & Splunk

Event Date: December 09, 2021
Hosted By: Puppet, Splunk & Carahsoft
Attendees heard from subject-matter experts about Puppet and Splunk's industry-changing integration. During this webinar, the speakers showcased how the basic capabilities of a Puppet and Splunk integration enable a true self-healing infrastructure. Some of these basic capabilities discussed included:
  • The ability to stay up-to-date on your agency's workflow with Splunk Enterprise
  • Issue detection and remediation with Puppet Tasks
  • Infrastructure uniformity with Puppet and context-rich decision making with Splunk
  • Access to out-of-the-box tools and dashboards to quickly troubleshoot and visualize your Puppet Enterprise

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Content Velocity Guide: Connecting the DAM dots.

Content Velocity Guide: Connecting the DAM dots.

As content continues to fuel experiences, asset management has become a necessity for government agencies. Digital asset management systems (DAMs) are no longer mere repositories to protect and store assets. With the growing importance of content, asset management has also grown into a robust, multidimensional engine through which to search, collaborate, manage, and optimize for any channel – becoming central to the necessity of content velocity. Download this guide to take a deeper look at how DAM makes content velocity possible and how your agency can use it to maintain mission continuity during unprecedented times.

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