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Government Events and Resources



Understand and Leverage Breached Data with 4iQ

Event Date: May 14, 2020
Hosted By: 4iQ & Carahsoft

Cyber-enabled crimes and frauds are extensive, can be highly advanced, and are becoming more and more common, leading to a loss in data, reputation, and funds. Organizations and businesses protecting from cyber-attacks require the collection and analysis of all types of data, including data that has appeared in breaches perpetrated by these cyber-attacks.

View this on-demand webinar recording to discover:

  • Data breach trends and how this data can be used
  • How enriched breached data and identity intelligence can help protect businesses and organizations from attacks, accelerate the investigation, and unmask the modern threat actors
  • A real example leading to the threat actor’s identity behind the cybercrime discovered from breached data
  • How breached data can be obtained and what information this usually includes
  • How breached data can aid targeting efforts to unmask bad actors, disrupt attacks, and save millions in fraud losses

Following this recording, viewers will have developed an understanding of how to protect themselves and their company from attacks that may use breached data, and how to prevent these attacks in the future. 

Fill out the form below to view this archived event.


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