Carahsoft, in conjunction with its vendor partners, sponsors hundreds of events each year, ranging from webcasts and tradeshows to executive roundtables and technology forums.

Government Events and Resources



Atlassian at New York IT Leadership Forum

Event Date: April 25, 2023
Hosted By: GovTech
Location: Albany, NY
Thank you for your interest in Atlassian at the New York IT Leadership Forum! This event allowed state and local government leaders the opportunity to connect with industry professionals to discuss the future of digital government.
For more information on how Atlassian can optimize Work Management, discover the steps to Streamline Operations with Agile Workflows.


Pearl River Community College Fortifies Security with a Virtual ‘Air-Gapped’ Data Vault – In Cohesity Fortknox
Case Study

Pearl River Community College Fortifies Security with a Virtual ‘Air-Gapped’ Data Vault – In Cohesity Fortknox

Discover how Peral River Community College utilizes Cohesity to strengthen their security and has made their college more cyber resilient in this Cohesity case study.

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