Carahsoft, in conjunction with its vendor partners, sponsors hundreds of events each year, ranging from webcasts and tradeshows to executive roundtables and technology forums.

Government Events and Resources



Piercing the Near-Peer Cyber Perimeter: How SpyCloud’s Identity Intelligence Advances Analysis

Event Date: June 12, 2024
Hosted By: SpyCloud & Carahsoft
In today's world, protecting national security requires understanding the global cyber operations landscape, particularly the activities of Great Powers countries. SpyCloud's Identity Intelligence offers a unique perspective into this challenging space, helping to uncover the tactics and trends used by advanced actors. This event showcased an in-depth analysis of compromised data, revealing connections beyond traditional near-peer threats.
Access the archived version of this event and learn how SpyCloud can help you: 
  • Piece together and resolve seemingly separate digital personas with Identity Intelligence into a single person to build strong Patterns of Life Analysis for Threat Actor investigations
  • Get unobscured access to high-value infrastructure details that typically only reside behind the great firewall
  • Revolutionize their intelligence preparation of the Operating Environment

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AI, Automation, and Cybersecurity

AI, Automation, and Cybersecurity

The sudden emergence of ChatGPT caught the world by surprise. Is it an existential threat or the harbinger of the next great scientific revolution? Broadcom offers its perspectives.

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