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Government Events and Resources



Piercing the Near-Peer Cyber Perimeter: How SpyCloud’s Identity Intelligence Advances Analysis

Event Date: June 12, 2024
Hosted By: SpyCloud & Carahsoft
In today's world, protecting national security requires understanding the global cyber operations landscape, particularly the activities of Great Powers countries. SpyCloud's Identity Intelligence offers a unique perspective into this challenging space, helping to uncover the tactics and trends used by advanced actors. This event showcased an in-depth analysis of compromised data, revealing connections beyond traditional near-peer threats.
Access the archived version of this event and learn how SpyCloud can help you: 
  • Piece together and resolve seemingly separate digital personas with Identity Intelligence into a single person to build strong Patterns of Life Analysis for Threat Actor investigations
  • Get unobscured access to high-value infrastructure details that typically only reside behind the great firewall
  • Revolutionize their intelligence preparation of the Operating Environment

Fill out the form below to view this archived event.


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