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Government Events and Resources



Creating a SOCMINT Dashboard

Event Date: October 22, 2020
Hosted By: Tableau & Carahsoft
This webinar session establishes the foundation for network analysis sessions using machine learning later in the series. The webinar demonstrates how to cleanse your data using Tableau Prep, create an exploratory Tableau dashboard used in intelligence for data exploration, and how you can tackle any piece of data you encounter without getting stuck on the initial step - What do I do with my data?

View this webinar recording to learn how to:
  • Connect to and prepare a social media data file form Social Studio using Tableau Prep
  • Create a series of worksheets that answer the who, what, when, where, and how
  • Integrate URL actions for automated translation and free-text entity extraction
  • Assemble a Tableau dashboard using your worksheets to answer more complex questions

Fill out the form below to view this archived event.
