Archived Events
63% of organizations don't have visibility into the access given to non-employees (contractors, suppliers, vendors, volunteers, etc.). The SailPoint Non-Employee Risk Management product enables organizations to execute risk-based identity access and lifecycle strategies for their entire population of non-employees ...
Many agencies struggle to keep up with recent Executive Orders, Digital Transformation, and Zero Trust Strategies when creating a cohesive platform. Identity is the first pillar of Zero Trust and waiting years to bring together a system that satisfies all your identity-based controls is not an option. UberEther provides the ...
The entire concept of zero trust can be boiled down to four words – never trust, always verify. But short, simple statements usually have a lot of moving parts to make them reality. When the Office of Management and Budget issued its Federal Zero Trust Strategy in January 2022, it set the end of Fiscal Year 2024 – ...
Identity governance solutions help IT teams answer “who has access to what?” The integrated BeyondTrust and SailPoint solution allows organizations to answer “is that access appropriate for privileged users?” and “is that privileged access being used appropriately?”
Attendees ...
Much of cybersecurity is focused on protecting users’ identities and personal information. This approach has numerous benefits, not just for the individual users but for the systems with which they interact – it protects people from malicious activities such as identity theft, while it also cuts down on bad actors ...
NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.
SailPoint, the leader in Identity Security, ...
Attendees joined us at the Carahsoft Office for an executive briefing session with BeyondTrust Public Sector and Technical leadership. In this session, we will discuss ...