Leaning Technologies Solutions for the Public Sector

Cheerp - C++ Modernization Tool

Cheerp is a C++ to WebAssembly and JavaScript compiler, used to build existing C++ code bases to target the Browser.

Our C++ modernization tool converts C++ applications into web browser-based platforms, leveraging existing codebases without the need for extensive rewrites. This tool streamlines the transition from traditional Desktop applications to modern web interfaces, enhancing functionality and user experience while ensuring compatibility across various web browsers.

  • Transitions C++ applications to web browser-based platforms.
  • Maximizes the utility of existing C++ codebases without requiring complete rewrites.
  • Facilitates a smooth evolution from traditional desktop applications to modern web-based interfaces.
  • Enhances functionality and user experience through the conversion process.
  • Provides compatibility with a wide range of web browsers for optimized user accessibility.
  • Thanks to its advanced interoperability, Cheerp supports the integration of modern web technologies to enhance application performance and security.
  • Ensures data security and privacy during the modernization process.
  • Offers efficient migration strategies for C++ applications without disrupting existing workflows.
  • Facilitates collaboration and communication among development teams working on modernization projects.
  • Enables organizations to harness the benefits of WebAssembly for increased productivity and innovation.


CheerpJ - Java Modernization Tool

CheerpJ is a Java Runtime Environment for the Browser, built in WebAssembly and JavaScript.

Using CheerpJ, organizations can revitalize legacy Java applications, preserving and modernizing Java Applets, Java Web Starts, and standalone Java applications. This solution offers a strategic approach for public sector organizations to phase out outdated browser plugins and desktop Java installations, enhancing performance, security, and user experience while simplifying the management of legacy Java environments.

  • Preserves and revamps legacy Java technologies such as Java Applets, Java Web Starts, and standalone Java applications.
  • Provides a strategic approach for organizations to phase out outdated browser plugins and desktop Java installations.
  • Enhances performance and security measures within Java applications.
  • Upgrades user experience by modernizing Java technologies to meet current standards.
  • Enables seamless integration of modern Java applications with existing IT infrastructures.
  • Ensures compliance with the latest Java security protocols and standards.
  • Reduces maintenance costs associated with maintaining legacy Java environments.
  • Streamlines the transition from legacy Java systems to modern, web-compatible solutions.
  • Facilitates the optimization of Java applications for increased efficiency and scalability.
  • Empowers organizations to leverage the flexibility of Java modernization tools for enhanced digital transformation initiatives.