Knowmadics Solutions for the Public Sector

  • 360° Plus
    • Use Case
      • Red Force (Bad guys and gals) Geolocation Tracking/Blue force (Officers/Agents)
      • Tracking and situational awareness
      • Pattern of Life (analysis of historical data)
      • Surveillance
      • Intel and Evidence collection in LE
      • Visualization
      • Duty of care for protecting individuals
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Law Enforcement
      • Defense and Intel
      • Commercial
      • Industrial (not typical)
    • What It Does
      • Encompasses 360° Track, 360° Collect and 360° Protect
      • Total asset visibility and remote device command and control for real-time interactions and actions
      • Provide a Common Operational Picture and related Situational Awareness.
      • Live map for real-time geolocation tracking of people and devices, live camera feeds, data feed overlays, device health, alerts, and more
      • Live Links- Allows cross organizational collaboration and information sharing
    • Benefits
      • Capturing bad guys and increasing officer safety.
      • Ensures the success of an operation.
      • Increases officer, agent safety.
      • Provides situational awareness to ensure safety of your people.
      • Total asset visibility and remote device command and control for real-time interactions and actions.
      • Optimized response to critical events.
      • Secure evidence collection ensures clean chain-of-custody.
      • Ultra-low latency streaming for a real-time common operating picture.
  • 360° Track

    Geolocation tracking solution designed for the complex and business-critical tracking of high-value people and assets:

    • Use Case
      • Red Force (Bad guys and gals) Geolocation Tracking/Blue force (Officers/Agents)
      • Tracking and situational awareness
      • Pattern of Life (analysis of historical data)
      • Surveillance
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Law Enforcement
      • Defense and Intel
    • What It Does
      • Red and Blue Force active tracking
      • Live maps / GPS tracking
      • Device management
      • Provides live geolocation tracking information; monitor device health; create and trigger off geofences, routes, or points of interest; set proximity alerts
      • Live Links- Allows cross organizational collaboration and information sharing
    • Benefits
      • Tracking and monitoring bad guys.
      • Capturing bad guys and increasing officer safety.
      • Visibility and remote device command and control for real-time interactions and actions.
      • Improved operational efficiency
  • 360° Collect
    • Use Case
      • Intel and Evidence collection in LE.
      • User is typically Undercover or informant.
      • Visualization
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Law Enforcement
      • Defense & Intel
    • What It Does
      • Live data collection through smart phone or wearables Live map for real-time geolocation tracking of people and devices, live camera feeds, data feed overlays, device health, alerts, and more
      • Audio collection
      • Video/image collection
      • Remote device management via real-time Command and Control (C2)
      • Time stamped
      • Low latency streaming
      • Live map for real-time geolocation tracking of people and devices, live camera feeds, data feed overlays, device health, alerts, and more
    • Benefits
      • Secures evidence collection enabling a clean chain-of-custody.
  • 360° Protect
    Duty of care solution designed for the complex and business critical protection of agents and officers
    • Use Case
      • Duty of care for protecting individuals
      • Executive protection
      • Tracking and visualization
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Law Enforcement
      • Military
      • Business travelers, Lone Workers, Students studying abroad
    • What It Does
      • Personnel active tracking
      • Passive tracking possible with GPS
      • Geo-location alerts
      • GPS activated panic alert
      • Chat/ Check-in / Missed Check-in alerts
      • Live panic alerts/SOS
      • Secure two-way communication
      • Live Links- Allows cross organizational collaboration and information sharing
    • Benefits
      • Provides situational awareness to ensure safety of your people
      • Live monitoring enables fast reaction
      • Automate response to alerts and alarms, critical events
  • 360° Logistics
    An integrated personnel logistics and travel risk management solution designed for movements of people and cargo
    • Use Case
      • Personnel and high-value asset logistics and travel risk management (covers Travel and Transportation)
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Personnel Logistics and travel Risk Management
    • What It Does
      • Passive tracking
      • Personnel on Board
      • Ground / aviation transportation management
      • Requests and Approvals
      • Meet & Greet
      • Reports & Analytics
      • Configurable requests and approver workflows
      • Live Links- Allows cross organizational collaboration and information sharing
    • Benefits
      • Provides a Single Source of Truth
      • Enhances enterprise visibility and efficiency
      • Streamlines travel-related operations
      • Reduces/eliminates manual processes
      • Increases safety of your traveling workforce
      • Integrates apps feed directly into Personnel on Board, updating it with latest information
      • Provides historical, current, and future data insights
      • Provides an account management system for maintaining traveler profiles
  • Training Services
    • Use Case
      • Cyber Operations
    • Applicable Sectors
      • Cybersecurity – Defense (electronic warriors) and/or Corporate
    • What It Does
      • Exercise management
      • Training and workforce development
      • Red Team testing
      • Provides cyber environment and target sets for developing current cyber Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, customized to your needs and supervised onsite at your preferred location
      • Comprehensive vulnerability assessments cover everything from CVE research and full network mapping to social engineering and ethical hacking – even for IoT devices
    • Benefits
      • Helps your team engage in realistic, scenario-based support for full-spectrum EW operations.
      • Provides your team with practical courses customized to your exact requirements. Our ongoing service ensures training consistency and reliability
      • Red team methods thoroughly test your systems, networks and digital supply chains before deployment