regscale harnessing compliance as code: the future of audit readiness

Harnessing Compliance as Code: The Future of Audit Readiness

As systems become more dynamic and ephemeral, static paper-based approaches are causing organizations to lag in compliance. It is crucial for organizations to begin utilizing automation technologies, like auto-scale language or automated language and scripting, to avoid the inability to operate due to outdated processes. Integrating AI/ML and automation into compliance processes can improve efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability, making compliance as code the path for the future of audit readiness.

In this interview, you will discover:

RegScale Audit Readiness and Compliance Interview Series Graphic
  • Compliance as code challenges the traditional paper-based compliance process
  • The benefits of compliance as code
  • How to start on the path to achieve compliance as code

Complete the form to download our interview with Travis Howerton, Chief Information Officer at RegScale and Christine Horwege, Consulting Expert at CyberFathom.