Intensity Analytics F5 Integrations

TickStream.KeyID adds frictionless multifactor authentication to F5 Big-IP APM/LTM through a simple integration. Intensity Analytics was the first F5 partner to write the integration in native F5 language, making it function seamlessly.

  • F5® BIG-IP® Access Policy Manager (APM®)

    The F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) provides centralized, secure access to data resources across the network and cloud through a simplified user experience, with unified control over policies to manage dozens to millions of users, both local and remote.

    BIG-IP APM offers seamless integration with most enterprise business applications from Microsoft (including Office365), Oracle, VMWare, and Citrix, and can federate identities across multiple domains.

    TickStream.KeyID for F5 BIG-IP APM is an iApp® template that allows you to provide second factor authentication for F5 APM implementations. The template creates a set of iRules®, hosted content, and an access policy for protecting a virtual server resource.

    f5 big-ip access policy manager graphic

    Users see the familiar F5 login page (or any custom one that has been configured). They enter their username and password as they typically do, and the TickStream.KeyID iRules evaluate the behavior to ensure the credentials were entered by the authorized person. No retraining users, and with the iApp template, TickStream.KeyID can be added to an existing F5 BIG-IP APM installation in minutes, even one with existing iRules and access policies.

  • F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM®)

    The F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager (LTM) is a full proxy appliance that provides management over both inbound and outbound network traffic. It gives you granular control over application traffic, from basic load balancing to complex traffic management, and can optimize the speed and reliability of applications at multiple layers, while scaling easily to handle millions of connections and high-latency networks.

    TickStream.KeyID for F5 BIG-IP LTM is an iApp template that allows you to provide second factor authentication or passive monitoring for F5 LTM implementations. The template creates a set of iRules and a stream profile for protecting a virtual server resource.

    f5 big-ip local traffic manager graphic

    The iRules created intercept HTTP requests and responses to dynamically insert the necessary TickStream.KeyID logic into your application login pages. When a login is performed using an HTML post, a TickStream.KeyID evaluation will be attempted and the results added to the headers or post data sent to the login form's action page. This can also be used to add our TickStream.KeyID engine as a passive monitor for offline analysis or to feed a SEIM process.