ICEYE Solutions for the Public Sector

ICEYE Flood Insights

ICEYE’s Flood Insights solution is the world’s first near real-time source for satellite-powered flood intelligence. Our flood data layers support a variety of public-sector use cases, including early warning and rapid situational awareness, evacuation planning, effective resource allocation, faster assistance and relief, and post-event damage assessments. Government agencies receive GIS-ready flood insights within 24 hours of an initial impact, followed by daily updates as the flood evolves.

  • Improved Situational Awareness

    ICEYE provides near real-time geospatial data for the maximum flood extent and depth within hours of a flood’s peak, empowering governments to enhance their disaster response and protect their most vulnerable communities.

  • Actionable Flood Intelligence

    ICEYE bridges the gap between information and actionable insights by combining radar satellite imagery with multiple auxiliary information sources to generate timely, building-level impact data.

  • Persistent Event Monitoring

    ICEYE’s SAR satellite technology captures Earth through darkness and clouds, offering reliable and consistent flood intelligence to support government-led response, recovery, and resilience efforts.

ICEYE Wildfire Insights

ICEYE helps communities improve their wildfire resilience by optimizing emergency response and recovery efforts on the ground. Until now, governments have faced significant challenges in rapidly assessing wildfire impacts during an event. Traditional methods can be dangerous, labor intensive, and still may not provide the information needed to support rapid response teams. ICEYE’s Wildfire Insights solution transforms this process by delivering automated event tracking and near real-time building-level impact data at the local level.

ICEYE’s Wildfire Insights solution provides your teams with a single source of truth during and after an active event. Data is available in GIS-ready formats (latitude & longitude points or building footprints) with a binary classification of structural damage (‘destroyed’/’undamaged’) per location, within hours of the fire’s impact. Optimize your government-led wildfire response with satellite-powered intelligence from ICEYE.