FinchDB is a new kind of computing platform built for high-volume, high-stakes data environments. It’s what you’d build if you looked at today’s data landscape and started over – without the baggage of batch processing, or legacy systems, or old ideas about what can be done with data. It’s an all in-memory NoSQL DBMS, plus a search engine, plus an analytics engine in one. All together. All in-memory. As such, it enables entirely new data experiences across a variety of use cases.
Finch for Text is a new and novel, patented approach to understanding massive amounts of text – without deploying huge numbers of man hours to read, analyze and contextualize it. It’s a powerful entity extraction and disambiguation solution that distinguishes same-named or similarly named entities from one another using sophisticated algorithms. It allows organizations of any size or type to unlock the hidden value in their textual informational assets.
Finch Analyst is an intuitive and easy-to-use visual interface that allows users to discover relationships, observe trends, generate reports and quickly share insights.