FileTrail Solutions for the Public Sector

FileTrail offers a suite of sophisticated products designed to address the multifaceted challenges of records management, information governance, and matter mobility. Our solutions are tailored to ensure that public sector organizations can manage their physical and digital records efficiently, comply with regulations, and mitigate risks effectively. Below are our key products and their descriptions:

Records Management
This solution provides a comprehensive framework for managing physical records throughout their lifecycle. From tracking and indexing to retention and disposition, our Records Management system ensures that physical documents are handled efficiently, securely, and in compliance with legal requirements. It simplifies the complex task of managing vast volumes of records, saving time and resources while reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Information Governance for Digital Records
FileTrail's Information Governance solution extends the fundamental principles of records management to digital records within most Document Management Systems (DMS). It offers a robust framework to effectively track, organize, apply retention policies, and, crucially, facilitate the disposition of digital records when they are no longer needed. By doing so, it helps reduce risk, manage information more strategically, and ensure that digital records comply with the same stringent governance standards as physical records. This solution is pivotal in today's digital-first environment, helping public sector entities manage their digital footprint responsibly and sustainably.

Matter Mobility
Recognizing the dynamic nature of legal and administrative work in the public sector, FileTrail's Matter Mobility solution streamlines the transfer and sharing of matter-related records and documents. This solution ensures that all relevant information is accessible, organized, and secure when matters move between departments, agencies, or when collaborating with external entities. Matter Mobility enhances collaboration, ensures continuity, and maintains the integrity and confidentiality of records during transitions.

FileTrail's products are at the forefront of revolutionizing records management and information governance in the public sector. By providing advanced, user-friendly solutions for managing both physical and digital records, enhancing matter mobility, and ensuring robust information governance, FileTrail empowers public sector organizations to operate more efficiently, comply with regulations, and serve the public effectively.