Figma Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Figjam

    FigJam is an online whiteboard for teams to ideate and brainstorm together. Purpose-built for the earliest stages of design, FigJam makes everything from discovery to design sprints easier and more fun — whether you’re working alone or collaborating with your extended team.

  • Figma

    Figma is where teams come together to design, test, and ship better products. The first design tool built for the Web, Figma combines powerful features with multiplayer functionality to make it faster, easier and more fun for teams to design products together — from start to finish.

  • Dev Mode

    Dev Mode is a space in Figma for developers to translate designs into code, faster. Dev Mode is tightly integrated with Figma design, making it easy for developers to find the specs they’re looking for, streamline the way they use design libraries, and keep up to date on the latest design directions