Field2Base Solutions for the Public Sector

From Social Workers and Correctional Officers to Logistics Managers and Building Inspectors, Field2Base makes it easy and secure for local, state and federal government agencies to automate their daily paperwork.

What do we solve?

Are your field employees struggling with the tedious process of documenting their work on paper forms?

  • Forms are incomplete or illegible meaning your agency has increased liability or the work must be done a second time.
  • Forms are hand delivered, mailed or faxed back to the office, which is costly and results in significant delays.
  • Forms can’t be easily tracked through your complex business processes and workflows. 
  • You have looked at going paperless in the past, but the technology wasn’t simple, secure and affordable

How do we do it?

Field2Base Mobile Forms™ is a simple, secure platform for automating and paper-based process

  • Our Forms Designer™ software lets you digitize your existing paper forms or create new digital templates.
  • Apply business rules to your digital forms ensuring they are filled out correctly 100% of the time.
  • Add enhanced media to your forms such as photos, videos, GPS, barcodes, drop down menus, voice to text recognition, digital signatures, automated calculations and much more.
  • Use Field2Base workflow to set up automated routing and approval processes for submitted forms and Field2base analytics to get detailed, visual reporting.
  • Easily and securely integrate submitted form data with your existing on premise and cloud-based systems.