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Physically block cyberattacks on critical networks and OT/ICS assets

Fend physically blocks cyberattacks on critical infrastructure and networks key to your mission. Fend’s data diodes send data in a physically-enforced, one-way fashion so that you can get the operational intelligence you need with the security of an air gap.  Fend’s products are used today across civilian and defense agencies to monitor key assets, like facility related control systems or share data with stakeholders around the world in a safe and straightforward way.   Fend’s one-way communication diodes have been tested by the US Army, Navy, and the DoD Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) and have been recognized for their cost effectiveness and ease of use.

In September 2021, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Critical Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommended the use of “one-way communication diodes to protect the boundary of the control system” in Critical Infrastructure Control Systems Cybersecurity Performance Goals And Objectives. Fend’s one-way diodes provide physical network segmentation for applications requiring small form factors, ruggedness, and scalability.

Civilian agencies subject to Binding Operational Directive 23-01 (Improving Asset Visibility And Vulnerability Detection On Federal Networks) can turn to Fend to send log files from air gapped and sensitive networks to intrusion detection systems (IDS) / internal network security monitoring (INSM) tools without opening a single port that could exploit the connection.  This defense in depth strategy aligns with NIST 800-53 guidance on the use of “one-way flow mechanisms.” Go beyond compliance and mitigate the threat of attack with physical cybersecurity.

With Fend, legacy assets can be brought into remote monitoring environments, even in the cloud, to safely make use of tools driven by machine learning and artificial intelligence.  Help optimize your workforce’s productivity and send the right person with the right tool at the right time.  You can use the power of AI while keeping a human in the loop and using the protection of physical network segmentation.

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