eScribe Solutions for the Public Sector

Why Choose eScribe?  

Specialization in Public Meetings: Focused exclusively on public meeting management, unlike other platforms that also cover payment processing and website operations. High  

Customer Satisfaction: Serving numerous communities across the United States and Canada, eScribe boasts a customer retention rate of over 95%.  

Ease of Use: Designed to make the meeting management process hassle-free for everyone involved. Publish meeting agenda and minutes along with live streaming videos with one click.  

Key Features  

Meeting Preparation and Management 

  • Seamless Collaboration: Manage and collaborate on documents with precise control over permissions.  
  • Microsoft Word Compatibility: Full compatibility with Microsoft Office allows for familiar and versatile document handling.  
  • Security: Maintain high standards of security with role-based access controls and department-specific permissions. 
  • Approval Workflows: Automate approval processes for documents, agendas, and minutes. ​​​​​​​
  • Comprehensive Meeting Tools: Comprehensive tools include roll call, voting, agenda management, and minute-taking to facilitate effective meetings.  

Accessibility and Communication  

  • Public Access: Publish meetings and documents easily with options for live streaming, including support for YouTube and Vimeo.  ​​​​​​​
  • Closed Captioning: Enhance accessibility with live closed captioning for all livestreams.  

Advanced Features  

  • Electronic Voting: Facilitate secure and efficient voting processes with digital ballots and a variety of voting options.  ​​​​​​​
  • Task Management: Robust task management tools allow for task creation, delegation, and tracking, ensuring every meeting runs smoothly.  ​​​​​​​
  • Speaker Lists: Manage a speaker queue for public participants and other meeting participants to speak regarding agenda items. 
  • Board Manager: Easily manage boards, members, vacancies, and appointments online 

Customization and Reporting 

  • Templates and Workflows: Customize templates for meetings and create tailored approval workflows to meet your specific administrative needs.  ​​​​​​​
  • Reporting and Analytics: Use pre-formatted reports to share reporting data for individual meetings. View these reports in-platform or export to Excel and prepare your reports to be submitted for wider circulation or public posting. 

Getting Started with eScribe  

eScribe simplifies every aspect of agenda and meeting management, making public meetings easier and more efficient for public officials and community members alike. Experience hassle-free meeting management with intuitive navigation and a comprehensive suite of tools designed to save time, simplify collaboration, and improve meeting accessibility.  

Ready to transform how your community handles public meetings? Choose eScribe for a reliable, effective, and user-friendly meeting management solution. 
