eCivis COVID-19 Resources

Resource Hub

Your Roadmap to COVID-19 Funding
Leverage this guide as a strategic playbook with best practices you can implement right away to navigate the latest COVID-19 funding packages. Click Here to Read More...


With new COVID-19 funding packages, there's over $150 billion for state and local governments on the line.

We know that due to the coronavirus pandemic, state, local, and tribal governments face more uncertainty and pressure than ever trying to navigate those funds and deliver aid to their communities as quickly as possible.

Check out our collection of resources


5 Steps to Make the Most of Your COVID-19 Funding

Most likely, you’ve probably read all about the CARES Act now and are familiar with Title V and the Coronavirus Relief Fund. What you may still be wondering is with all this funding coming out, How do I assemble the right project plan? How can my agency or department manage and track these incoming grants? With the likelihood of additional programmatic and reporting requirements, how do we make sure we’re staying compliant? Click Here to Read More...

What the CARES Act Means for Tribal Governments

With the passage of the CARES Act, which provides $150 billion for state, local and tribal governments under Title V (the Coronavirus Relief Fund) local governments will be able to start addressing short-term needs of residents, households, and small businesses bearing some of the largest burdens of COVID-19 response. Click Here to Read More...

COVID-19 Funding: Top FAQs for State and Local Governments

While we promised a 2-part blog series on coronavirus, it’s clear that the spread, as well as impacts of the disease, are not slowing down anytime soon. As state and local governments try to make sense of all the policy and funding packages in the news cycle, we wanted to continue sharing resources and best practices to implement such funding and deliver aid to communities as quickly as possible. Click Here to Read More...

How Governments Can Access Grants to Fight Coronavirus

While grant funding is more abundant during this public health crisis, knowing how to actually apply for and leverage those funds is another matter. That’s why for state and local governments, it’s important to stay on top of the resources available and implement an action plan to diminish the spread of the virus–both in communities and among staff. Click Here to Read More...

3 Ways Governments Can Prepare for Coronavirus

If we think about it, state and local governments are “the backbone of our public health system.” That’s how HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, put it in a recent funding announcement. This means states and local jurisdictions, as well as tribal governments, are on the frontlines when it comes to dealing with this global pandemic: Coronavirus or COVID-19. Click Here to Read More...