Durandal Solutions for the Public Sector


ALFIE is at the forefront of cutting-edge Edge-AI RF system technology, revolutionizing Test & Evaluation (T&E) processes with its advanced AI/ML capabilities. This flagship product not only enhances T&E protocols but also provides sophisticated tools for precise simulation and calibration of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and robust WiFi network configurations. By integrating advanced machine learning algorithms, ALFIE optimizes performance, enhances predictability, and significantly reduces the time required for calibrations, making it a pivotal tool in modern RF system development and analysis.


WARPS is a state-of-the-art RF visualization tool developed using Unreal Engine, offering comprehensive solutions for antenna modeling, system modeling, and wargaming. It enables users to create highly detailed and accurate RF environments, facilitating complex modeling tasks with precision and clarity. WARPS is an essential tool for strategic RF planning and development, making it invaluable for projects requiring high fidelity in RF visualization.