Domo Solutions for the Public Sector

  • Data Connectors
    • Domo has over 1,000+ pre-built Data Connectors to a variety of data systems. From large databases to niche data sources and even on-premise systems, Domo can connect to the different data sources a department or agency might have. Domo has a robust data connection strategy that make connecting to data fast and easy. Most data sources can be connected to in minutes.
  • Magic ETL
    • Magic ETL gives technical and non-technical users the ability to manipulate, cleanse, and prepare data for visualization. With a simple drag and drop interface, uses can perform dozens of functions such as standardize text formatting, text replacement, create calculated fields, date operations, add formulas, remove duplicates, filter rows, append data, join datasets from disparate data sources, aggregate data, pivot or unpivot data, leverage python or R scripts, us AI Model Inference, AutoML Inference, clustering forecasting, writeback cleansed data to a 3rd party data source, and more. Users set timers to automate the different functions so as new data is coming in, it runs through a data cleansing process before being visualized.
  • Dashboard building
    • Domo has an intuitive drag and drop dashboard building module with over 100+ chart types, users can visualize their data in a way that they need. All visualizations are interactive with flexibility to update and modify their chart, colors, text, etc as they would like. Domo dashboards have built in drill-down capabilities within a chart and one-click exporting to a powerpoint slide show, excel, PDF, or other formats.
  • Beast Mode
    • A Domo Beast Mode is a powerful data manipulation and calculation function within the Domo platform. It allows users to create complex formulas and expressions to transform and analyze their data in real-time.AI Service Layer. Beast Modes can be used to perform a wide range of calculations including: aggregation, conditional logic, data and time calculations, mathematical operations, custom calculations and more.
  • Domo Everywhere
    • Domo everywhere is a white-label analytics platform that allows users to embed analytics into their products and services. Some of the features include Dashboards, Widgets, Data distribution, Data monetization, Data democratization, Alerts, Mobile-optimized UI, Data Integration.        `
  • Data Governance
    • Domo Data Governance is a comprehensive set of policies, processes, and technologies designed to ensure the quality, integrity, and security of data within the Domo platform. It helps organizations maintain control over their data, minimize risks, and comply with relevant regulations. Some components of Domo Data Governance include: Data classification, data quality, data security, data retention, data usage, data lineage and more. This helps organizations to improve their data quality by implementing data quality checks and standards, reduce risk by protecting data from unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with regulations, enhance decision-making by providing reliable and trustworthy data, and increase efficiency by streamlining data management processes.
  • App Creation
    • Domo App Studio is a powerful tool that enables users to create custom applications within the Domo platform. It provides a drag-and-drop interface and a library of pre-built components, making it easy for users to build complex applications without extensive coding knowledge. Some of the key features and benefits include a Drag and drop interface, pre-built components such as charts, tables and forms, customization so users can get the look and feel to match an organizations’ branding, integration with other Domo features and third-party applications, scalability to handle very large datasets and high user loads, and more.
  • Domo App Store
    • The Domo App Store is a marketplace where users can discover, download, and install pre-built applications for the Domo platform. These applications, known as Domo Apps, are designed to extend the functionality of Domo and address specific business needs. Some of the key features and benefits include a wide range of applications for various industries and use cases, easy discovery by searching keywords and browsing through categories for the right solutions, quick installations in just a few clicks, customization options, and it’s community driven since it’s powered by a community of developers and users who share their creations and provide feedback.
  • Alerts
    • Users can setup alerts on any chart or dashboard that meet a certain set of conditions or criteria. These conditions can be based on data values, trends, or other criteria. Users can receive notifications via email, in-app, or text message.
  • Domo Buzz
    • Domo Buzz is a social media-style platform within the Domo platform that allows users to share insights, ask questions, and collaborate with other Domo users. It's a community-driven space where users can connect, learn, and share best practices.
  • Workflows
    • Domo Workflows are automated processes that can be used to streamline tasks, reduce errors, and improve efficiency within the Domo platform. They allow you to create custom workflows that trigger actions based on specific conditions or events. Some key features and benefits are automating repetitive tasks and processes to save time and reduce errors, Integration with other applications and systems to create an end-to-end workflow, Customization that fit to your specific needs and requirements, Conditional Logic to create complex workflows that can handle different scenarios, Notifications when workflows are triggered or completed, and more.
  • Projects and Tasks
    • Domo Projects and Tasks are features within the Domo platform that enable users to organize and manage their work more effectively. They provide a framework for breaking down larger initiatives into smaller, more manageable tasks, tracking progress, and collaborating with team members. Some key features and benefits are Project Creation, Task Creation, Task Assignment, Task Tracking, Collaboration, Integration with other tools, and more.
  • Goals
    • Domo Goals is a feature within the Domo platform that allows users to set and track objectives, measure progress, and align individual and team efforts towards achieving organizational goals. It provides a visual framework for setting, managing, and tracking goals, making it easier for teams to stay focused and accountable. Some key features and benefits are Goal Creation, Goal Alignment, Progress Tracking, Real-Time Updates, Collaboration, Integration with other tools, and more.
  • Scheduled Reports
    • Domo Scheduled Reports are automated reports that are generated on a regular schedule and delivered to designated recipients. They provide a convenient way to keep stakeholders informed about key metrics and data without requiring manual intervention. Some key features and benefits are Automation, Customization, Scheduling, Distribution, and Integration.
  • Cloud Amplifier
    • Domo Cloud Amplifier is a hybrid architecture that seamlessly integrates with an organization’s existing cloud and data infrastructure. With Cloud Amplifier, you can get the most value from your existing tech investments to scale data access, manage systems and cost, and maintain governance no matter where your data is stored. Available providers include Amazon Redshift, AzureSQL, Databricks, Dremio, Google BigQuery, MySQL, Snowflake, and others on the horizon.
  • Jupyter Notebooks
    • Domo Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful tool within the Domo platform that allows users to combine code, visualizations, and narrative text into a single, interactive document. They are particularly useful for data scientists, analysts, and developers who need to explore, analyze, and communicate data insights. Some key features and benefits include an interactive environment, code execution, data visualization, narrative text, collaboration, integration with Domo, and more.
  • AutoML
    • Domo AutoML is a machine learning automation feature that simplifies the process of building and deploying predictive models within the Domo platform. It automates many of the time-consuming and complex steps involved in machine learning, making it accessible to users with limited technical expertise. Some key features and benefits are Automated model building, simplified workflows, improved accuracy, faster time to insights, and accessibility to a wider range of users, including those with limited technical expertise.