Mobile-Now, Transformations in Interaction for Health & Human Services

Diona and its system of engagement mobile solutions are revolutionizing the user experience for caseworkers, clients, and other health and human services stakeholders,  enhancing operational efficiencies and outcomes for health and human services programs. Productive and quality service delivery is supported by caseworker solutions with on-the-go capability of seamless access in the field. Systems of engagement solutions transform the client and stakeholder user experiences, streamlining processes and nurturing a sense of empowerment.  Diona’s native mobile apps are designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring no one is left behind.

Purpose-built and informed by field worker input, the Diona caseworker solutions, like Diona Visits, expand worker capacity and enable insights that support better decision-making and service delivery. Caseworkers and social workers can now spend more time doing higher-value work for their clients in the field. The Diona Investigations mobile solution delivers for Child and Adult Protective Services investigators that need quick access to critical data and information and powerful note-taking capabilities when investigating allegations of abuse and neglect. With Diona Placement Finder, caseworkers and placement workers can now quickly find and manage stable placements and diffuse conflict situations with respite options on the go to support safety, well-being, and, ultimately, permanency.

Diona solutions also support clients and other stakeholders in critical ways. Diona Connect enhances stakeholder communication and collaboration, allowing biological parents, foster parents, caseworkers, and guardians to work together to achieve permanency for children in out-of-home care. Diona Reporter provides a simple, secure method to report suspected incidents of abuse and neglect. Diona Child Support streamlines processes for child support parents to apply, track, and manage payments, ensuring children’s well-being. Additionally, Diona Self Service empowers clients to self-service across various benefits programs, making processes more efficient and reducing organizational costs. By putting service-enablement directly in the hands of clients and other stakeholders, Diona is improving service delivery, reducing costs, and helping organizations fulfill their mission more effectively.