Google Analytics (GA4)

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Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand (image below).

GA is available in standard (free) and enterprise-level (fee-based annual license).

New GA4 Platform
Google has announced the deprecation of the legacy Universal Analytics for the new analytics platform GA4 and GA4 360.

Advantages of new GA4 include:

  • Privacy-focused and durable for the future
  • Intelligent, using machine learning to unearth insights about the customer journey across platforms and devices
  • Enhanced, seamless integrations with Google's advertising platforms to optimize campaign performance and drive greater marketing ROI
  • Licensed level of GA4 (GA 360) had expanded limits, increased data freshness, unsampled report with greater accuracy, more custom dimensions, custom and calculated metrics and audiences, integration with other GMP tools, BigQuery integration, focus on user journey, advanced analysis reports, enhanced data visualization, SLA…and more.
  • Google Optimize testing is now included at no additional cost


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